奥林匹克公园地铁站位于北京地铁的8号线,15号线。 更多信息,请浏览以此站为中心的ExploreBeijing地铁交通地图。
accessibility report1: The distance between these lines (8 and 15) are a hike. If you traveled straight it wouldn't be bad but think amusement park lines, you weave.
May 27, 2015
Transfer between 8 & 15 is 3:30 (brisk walk / off peak).
Sep 7, 2015
science and technology museum here, very interesting, but overwhelming, cheap entrance
Feb 5, 2016
The metro entrance is in an underground shopping mall, where you can find several restaurants offering great food on a reasonable price.
Feb 5, 2016
take exit D for Xin'ao shopping mall and Halal Pizza
Oct 6, 2016
Beijing Olympic Park
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