北京地铁 Stats
Note that the exact count of stations depends on exactly which 北京地铁 lines are included, and whether interchange stations are counted multiple times for each line.
- Number of lines
- 27
- Number of stations
- 414
- Number of stations (counting interchanges as multiple stations)
- 521
- Number of interchange stations
- 98
- Line with the most stations
- 10号线 (46)
- Line with the fewest stations
- 大兴机场线 (3)
- Longest journey
- 172 minutes from 俸伯 to 燕山
- Stations by line
1号线 = 35
2号线 = 19
3号线 = 10
4号线 = 35
5号线 = 23
6号线 = 34
7号线 = 30
8号线 = 34
9号线 = 13
10号线 = 46
11号线 = 4
12号线 = 20
13号线 = 17
14号线 = 33
15号线 = 20
16号线 = 29
17号线 = 16
19号线 = 10
房山线 = 16
燕房线 = 9
大兴机场线 = 3
亦庄线 = 14
昌平线 = 20
西郊线 = 6
首都机场线 = 8
S1线 = 8
亦庄有轨电车T1线 = 14
- Station with most interchanges
- 西直门 (2号线,4号线,13号线), 东直门 (2号线,13号线,首都机场线), 宋家庄 (5号线,10号线,亦庄线), 三元桥 (10号线,12号线,首都机场线), 国家图书馆 (4号线,9号线,16号线), 平安里 (4号线,6号线,19号线), 草桥 (10号线,19号线,大兴机场线), 十里河 (10号线,17号线,14号线), 金安桥 (6号线,11号线,S1线)
- Most northerly station
- 昌平西山口 (昌平线)
- Most easterly station
- 潞城 (6号线)
- Most southerly station
- 大兴机场 (大兴机场线)
- Most westerly station
- 燕山 (燕房线)