
Andingmen is a station on Line 2 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Andingmen
Chinese (simplified) 安定门
Located on Line 2

Map of Andingmen

Tips near Andingmen

Start your Hutong Tour from here. Just go south.


Jan 11, 2014

exit D dimsum restaurant


Jul 30, 2014

Wudaoying is a good spot for a walk or even live music at night! (See VA Bar or School Bar)

Ryan B

Dec 27, 2014

exit D - every Wednesday there's a stand up comedy show at Hot Cat Club!:)


Feb 10, 2016



Feb 15, 2016

Exit A for swimming pool


Jun 24, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Andingmen

Beijing | Hutong Doors

Beijing | Hutong Doors
Copyright: jan.martin

  • Beijing | Hutong Doors Beijing | Hutong Doors
  • DSC35785 DSC35785
  • 安定门 安定门
  • Xiaojiu Xiaojiu
  • Xiaojiu Xiaojiu
  • 3499-1 3499-1
  • 3498-1 3498-1
  • 3496-1 3496-1
  • 3497 3497
  • 3326-1734 3326-1734
  • 3257-1731 3257-1731
  • 3253-1745 3253-1745
  • 3162-1732 3162-1732
  • 3161-1724 3161-1724
  • Bicylcles - Hutong District, Beijing, China Bicylcles - Hutong District, Beijing, China
  • EM100036 EM100036
  • EM100040 EM100040
  • EM100037 (1) EM100037 (1)
  • DSC35786 DSC35786
  • DSC35784 DSC35784

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.