
Baishiqiaonan is a station on Line 6 and Line 9 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Baishiqiaonan
Chinese (simplified) 白石桥南
Located on Line 6 and Line 9

Map of Baishiqiaonan

Tips near Baishiqiaonan

On Line 9 trains, access to Line 6 platform is faster by using passageway at far end of platform — no need to go upstairs!

David Feng

Apr 12, 2014

First train/Last train

Photos near Baishiqiaonan


Copyright: awvdm8881

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  • CN-11321-20131105.jpg CN-11321-20131105.jpg
  • China Institute of Building Research & Design Headquarters China Institute of Building Research & Design Headquarters
  • Welcome buildingSMART International Welcome buildingSMART International
  • buildingSMART International Meetings buildingSMART International Meetings
  • Spring in Beijing. Spring in Beijing.

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