
Dongsi is a station on Line 5 and Line 6 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Dongsi
Chinese (simplified) 东四
Located on Line 5 and Line 6

Map of Dongsi

Tips near Dongsi

Walk to the National Art Museum of China

Jan 28, 2013

Double happiness hotel


Apr 16, 2013

PhotoChance camera shop 200 meters west on Dongsi dajie for film development.


Jun 5, 2013

Beijing Sihe Courtyard Hotel


Aug 4, 2013

Night market great place to buy souvenir


Oct 20, 2013

Expect sometimes long transfers. Signage sometimes missing or confusing. Good news: plenty of escalators.

David Feng

Apr 12, 2014

Happy dragon hostel take exit B or E.


May 16, 2014

A lot of walking, don't transfer here


Sep 19, 2014

spring tome hostel

m henni

Oct 17, 2014

If you're going to C, just take D or G instead, ABC signage will take you way out the way.


Mar 20, 2015

If you're not good at chinese, do not book regal hotel


Apr 19, 2015

Brick and Wood resturant near here


Jun 6, 2015

The Dongsi Mosque (Chinese: 东四清真寺; pinyin: Dōngsì Qīngzhēnsì) is a mosque,,walking distance towards south from Dongsi Station of subway line 6


Sep 4, 2015

The Dongsi Mosque (Chinese: 东四清真寺; pinyin: Dōngsì Qīngzhēnsì) is a mosque,, take subway line 6 and walk towards south from Dongsi station..


Sep 4, 2015

for National Art Museum use Exit E and turn right

Dan Roth

Sep 5, 2015



Nov 20, 2015

National Art Museum Line 5 DONGSI station Exit D then Left like 500 meters..if you are interrested of artists materials shops they are in front of the Museum

Tarek Malek

Dec 26, 2015

spring hostal very good take exit D or G


May 27, 2016

SW exit for renassiance Marriot


Oct 23, 2017

First train/Last train

Photos near Dongsi

Linlee lemon tea with free rubber ducks

Linlee lemon tea with free rubber ducks
Copyright: Stinkee Beek

  • Linlee lemon tea with free rubber ducks Linlee lemon tea with free rubber ducks
  • Dinner time Dinner time
  • Checking into Guangyao apartment Checking into Guangyao apartment
  • IMG_20181123_075715 IMG_20181123_075715
  • IMG_20181123_075916 IMG_20181123_075916
  • IMG_20181123_080941 IMG_20181123_080941
  • IMG_20181123_080135 IMG_20181123_080135
  • 旧房子 旧房子
  • 轿子胡同 轿子胡同
  • 咖啡屋一角 咖啡屋一角
  • 东四北大街 东四北大街
  • 拿铁 拿铁
  • 光线 光线
  • 人像 人像
  • 照片墙 照片墙
  • 小姑娘 小姑娘
  • 卧
  • 马勺 马勺
  • 泥俑 泥俑
  • 一群鸭 一群鸭
  • 外太空单车 外太空单车
  • 再遇黄河水 再遇黄河水
  • 母女 母女
  • Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Participate in life Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Participate in life
  • Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Development, keep in step with the times Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Development, keep in step with the times
  • Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Contribute to society Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Contribute to society
  • 美术馆 美术馆
  • 垒
  • Pekín Pekín
  • Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Care for the environment Establish a cultured city, construct a harmonious Dongcheng -- Care for the environment

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.