Happy Valley Huanlegu Jingqu

Happy Valley is a station on Line 7 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Happy Valley
Chinese (simplified) 欢乐谷景区
Located on Line 7

Map of Happy Valley

Tips near Happy Valley

Great place, ticket is 260 kuai per person but this ticket covers almost all the rides inside the park including 5 to 6 roller coasters and an amazing theatrical stunt performance. Totally worth the ticket price.


Oct 1, 2016

Exit B or C for "Happy Valley". 260 RMB - full ticket.


May 31, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Happy Valley

My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China

My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China
Copyright: adamba100 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China
  • My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China My half Chinese son with our friends, Beijing, China
  • My half Chinese son with his grandpa, Beijing, China My half Chinese son with his grandpa, Beijing, China
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  • China_2017_Beijing_Miscellaneous_HappyValley_170102_140246 + (Copy) China_2017_Beijing_Miscellaneous_HappyValley_170102_140246 + (Copy)
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  • China tour China tour
  • China tour China tour
  • China tour China tour
  • China tour China tour
  • China tour China tour

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