Heping Xiqiao

Heping Xiqiao is a station on Line 5 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Heping Xiqiao
Chinese (simplified) 和平西桥
Located on Line 5

Map of Heping Xiqiao

Tips near Heping Xiqiao

pearl market


Aug 5, 2014



Sep 25, 2014



Sep 25, 2014

Beijing University of Chemical Technology Exit B

I hate BUCT

Jan 6, 2015

if you go to BUCT, subway is the best. another way is very diffcurt for strainger.


Apr 16, 2016

peral market is good.


Apr 16, 2016

Wedome bakery. French inspired, very nice exit B


Apr 14, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Heping Xiqiao


Copyright: Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • 中國北京市朝陽區 中國北京市朝陽區
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  • Not just deliver pizza 外賣什麼都送什麼都不奇怪  #365days2016  #365project  #WanderInBeijing Not just deliver pizza 外賣什麼都送什麼都不奇怪 #365days2016 #365project #WanderInBeijing
  • Had a cup of coffee in the afternoon and so did many people. 沒想到這麼多人也在下午這時間來杯咖啡 #WanderInBeijing #365days2016 #365project Had a cup of coffee in the afternoon and so did many people. 沒想到這麼多人也在下午這時間來杯咖啡 #WanderInBeijing #365days2016 #365project
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Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.