Huixin Xijie Nankou

Huixin Xijie Nankou is a station on Line 5 and Line 10 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Huixin Xijie Nankou
Chinese (simplified) 惠新西街南口
Located on Line 5 and Line 10

Map of Huixin Xijie Nankou

Tips near Huixin Xijie Nankou

Stop to go to Decathlon store


Oct 11, 2015

Closest Subway station to UIBE west gate


Dec 17, 2015

Exit B is the nearest to go to UIBE University.


Feb 6, 2016

China-Japan Friendship Hospital is close to here

Jess N.

Oct 2, 2016

Exit C to go Sichuan restaurant

Lao Mu

Oct 14, 2016

Bank of China

Fayiah Saah Tamba

Oct 6, 2018

traveling north from here during rush hours 6-10pm is impossible. too many people


Nov 27, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Huixin Xijie Nankou


Copyright: 阿拉C家

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