
Hujialou is a station on Line 6 and Line 10 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Hujialou
Chinese (simplified) 呼家楼
Located on Line 6 and Line 10

Map of Hujialou

Tips near Hujialou

This stop will take you to the acrobats show.


Feb 13, 2013



Feb 22, 2013

Convenient transfers here, small capacity but short walks


Jun 30, 2013

On Line 10 trains, access escalators to Line 6 are closest near centre of train. Always watch signage. Can be a bit confusing at times.

David Feng

Apr 12, 2014



Dec 21, 2014

Currently closed!


Feb 16, 2015

Very quick and comfortable transfer


Feb 5, 2016

Ru street


Jul 15, 2016

Army surplus store right off one of the northwest exits, good for camping gear and if for some reason you want a big green Chinese army greatcoat


Aug 18, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Hujialou

Tired Commuter

Tired Commuter
Copyright: oeyvind

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  • People of Beijing - Chinese Dancers at Chaoyang Theatre People of Beijing - Chinese Dancers at Chaoyang Theatre
  • Video of Motorcycles Spinning Inside this Giant Wire Cage, Chaoyang Theatre, Beijing, China Video of Motorcycles Spinning Inside this Giant Wire Cage, Chaoyang Theatre, Beijing, China
  • story map 9 story map 9
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  • Peking Duck Peking Duck
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