
Laiguangying is a station on Line 14 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Laiguangying
Chinese (simplified) 来广营
Located on Line 14

Map of Laiguangying

Tips near Laiguangying

Decathlon at exit D or C


Oct 31, 2015

Closest for Decathlon/B&Q/Shopin


Dec 13, 2015



Oct 11, 2016

First train/Last train

Photos near Laiguangying

Clouds after rain

Clouds after rain
Copyright: 小 囡

  • Clouds after rain Clouds after rain
  • market market
  • xiaojiu xiaojiu
  • xiaojiu xiaojiu
  • DSC24855 DSC24855
  • DSC24856 DSC24856
  • DSC24857 DSC24857
  • DSC24859 DSC24859
  • DSC24860 DSC24860
  • DSC24861 DSC24861
  • DSC24863 DSC24863
  • DSC24864 DSC24864
  • DSC24866 DSC24866
  • DSC24867 DSC24867
  • DSC24858 DSC24858
  • beijing beijing
  • sparrows sparrows
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market
  • market market

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.