Nanluogu Xiang

Nanluogu Xiang is a station on Line 6 and Line 8 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Nanluogu Xiang
Chinese (simplified) 南锣鼓巷
Located on Line 6 and Line 8

Map of Nanluogu Xiang

Tips near Nanluogu Xiang

Always watch which platform you are using — what line, what train, going where — as platform arrangements can be complex!

David Feng

Feb 24, 2014

Great local shopping experience set amidst Hutongs (traditional Chinese courtyard homes) in Nanhuoguxiang street right outside of this stop.


Apr 24, 2014

place I came for lunch with Natalie


Dec 13, 2014

Do you like Music? DDC is a venue just a bit further east of here. Very artsy but laid back.


Feb 26, 2015

Take exit E which is next to the entrance to Nanluoguoxiang.


Mar 7, 2015

walking around in the evening


Sep 19, 2015

cat cafe here


Jan 22, 2016

At the end of Nanluoguxiang, there is Muslim food...also in nearby have halal Noodle....


Jan 25, 2016

First train/Last train

Photos near Nanluogu Xiang

Beijing | 2023

Beijing | 2023
Copyright: hylonico

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