Nongda Nanlu

Nongda Nanlu is a station on Line 16 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Nongda Nanlu
Chinese (simplified) 农大南路
Located on Line 16

Map of Nongda Nanlu

First train/Last train

Photos near Nongda Nanlu


Copyright: kenzhaoknk

  • 早餐 早餐
  • swaning prawn swaning prawn
  • The_Start_of_the_Night_IMG_2477_1 The_Start_of_the_Night_IMG_2477_1
  • 3 donkeys in the sun 3 donkeys in the sun
  • 2 donkeys in the shade 2 donkeys in the shade
  • #6 #6
  • carrot callus carrot callus
  • place to wash place to wash
  • last supper last supper
  • sweet corn with sugar sweet corn with sugar
  • fish soup and bread fish soup and bread
  • prawns and chillies prawns and chillies
  • spiral bread spiral bread
  • struggling with spiral bread struggling with spiral bread
  • steaming wild mushrooms steaming wild mushrooms
  • pork, capsium and chilli pork, capsium and chilli
  • bok choy and mushrooms bok choy and mushrooms

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.