
Shichahai is a station on Line 8 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Shichahai
Chinese (simplified) 什刹海
Located on Line 8

Map of Shichahai

Tips near Shichahai

Station zum Houhai Viertel


May 26, 2014

Best metro stop if you are heading to Houhai Lake and the restaurants in the area.


Jun 19, 2014

This is the stop you want to get off on if you wanna get to the Old Great Leap Brewery Spot


Dec 27, 2014

Houhai is near but I recommend skipping it at night if you're a foreigner. The only exception is if you go to the East Shore Jazz club.

Ryan B

Dec 27, 2014

This stop is about a block south of the Drum Tower and Bell Tower. A few blocks north of Houhai.


Aug 14, 2015

Close to Houhai, and closest stop for 方砖厂胡同 neighborhood, with the Haoyu Hotel, a cat café, and Great Leap Brewery.


Aug 17, 2015

Serbian burger close to A2 exit


Apr 30, 2016

First train/Last train

Photos near Shichahai


Copyright: gerosan_adv

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  • 20181013 - 044 北京 20181013 - 044 北京
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  • 南鑼鼓巷 南鑼鼓巷
  • 有车真好! 有车真好!
  • 好吃的把烟囱熏断了 好吃的把烟囱熏断了
  • “今儿又是我第一个到的” “今儿又是我第一个到的”
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