
Babaoshan is a station on Line 1 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Babaoshan
Chinese (simplified) 八宝山
Located on Line 1

Map of Babaoshan

Tips near Babaoshan

For the Pullman Wanda, exit D and take a left at the exit. A 5-7 minute walk to the hotel entrance.


Mar 18, 2013

to get at China Radio international exit at gate D walk left for about 3 minutes

Ronald mutie

Jun 13, 2015

比 %f%78..155r35-53844-555.415.3570612


Sep 10, 2015

This is the home of Mr. Cookie


Nov 2, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Babaoshan

Granton / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / Electric Vehicle / 4728797

Granton / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / Electric Vehicle / 4728797
Copyright: clarkson_lee

  • Granton / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / Electric Vehicle / 4728797 Granton / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / Electric Vehicle / 4728797
  • Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728802 京A_AS269 Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728802 京A_AS269
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  • Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728794 京A_AS306 Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728794 京A_AS306
  • Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728794 京A_AS306 Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728794 京A_AS306
  • Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728795 京A_AS276 Granton / Electric Vehicle / GTQ6186BEVBT3 18m / 4728795 京A_AS276
  • #weatherandgrowing #weatherandgrowing
  • upload upload
  • #weatherandgrowing 照片使用 InstaWeather 拍摄  Free App! @instaweatherpro #instaweather #instaweatherpro #weather #wx #android #北京市 #中国 #day #spring #afternoon #cn #weatherandgrowing 照片使用 InstaWeather 拍摄 Free App! @instaweatherpro #instaweather #instaweatherpro #weather #wx #android #北京市 #中国 #day #spring #afternoon #cn

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