
Caishikou is a station on Line 4 and Line 7 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Caishikou
Chinese (simplified) 菜市口
Located on Line 4 and Line 7

Map of Caishikou

Tips near Caishikou

great halal food


Apr 7, 2015



Aug 27, 2015

Muslim quarter, halal food

Marref Billel

Jun 12, 2016

Exit D, Walk 1km to reach Nujie Muslim Market.


May 27, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Caishikou


Copyright: tommao1104

  • 旧商店 旧商店
  • 烧肉 烧肉
  • 生煎馒头 生煎馒头
  • 东京光学 东京光学
  • 美味斋 美味斋
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