Peking University East Gate Beijing Daxue Dongmen

Peking University East Gate is a station on Line 4 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Peking University East Gate
Chinese (simplified) 北京大学东门
Located on Line 4
Former names East Gate of Peking University

Map of Peking University East Gate

Tips near Peking University East Gate

Walk through the PKU campus towards West gate for the Saeckler Museum of archeology.


Apr 8, 2012

We lost


Feb 17, 2016



Jun 22, 2019



3 months ago

First train/Last train

Photos near Peking University East Gate

Sunset of Peking University, Beijing

Sunset of Peking University, Beijing
Copyright: jiangpanger's world of xpan

  • Sunset of Peking University, Beijing Sunset of Peking University, Beijing
  • 北京大学邱德拔体育馆(Khoo Teck Puat Stadium, Peking University) 北京大学邱德拔体育馆(Khoo Teck Puat Stadium, Peking University)
  • 燕园秋色(Autumn, Peking University) 燕园秋色(Autumn, Peking University)
  • 19.07 IIASA Asia National Member Organizations visit 19.07 IIASA Asia National Member Organizations visit
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Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.