Renmin University Renmin Daxue

Renmin University is a station on Line 4 of the Beijing Subway. For more details view the ExploreBeijing interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Renmin University
Chinese (simplified) 人民大学
Located on Line 4

Map of Renmin University

Tips near Renmin University

Friendship Hotel


Jul 17, 2012

Yanshan hotel exit A2


Aug 5, 2014

UME international cinema around 200meters from exit B. Take left from exit

Muhammad Shahzaib

Mar 18, 2017

East gate of Renmin University at exit A1

Muhammad Shahzaib

Apr 13, 2017

Third local tax bureau, Haidian district. Exit A2


Mar 12, 2018

visa office nearby


Jan 11, 2020

Zhongguancun Foreigner Service Hall, Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau. Exit A2


Jul 15, 2021

First train/Last train

Photos near Renmin University

Welding works

Welding works
Copyright: ludger.heide

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Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.